torek, 28. julij 2009

Šitake / Lentinula edodes

, , - torek, 28. julij 200923:48 (Ilja)
Letos že drugo leto malce eksperimentiram z gojenjem šitak (Lentinula edodes). Tokrat imam v paci šest kompletov za gojenje in dobrih sto moznikov za nacepljanje na hlode, ki so mi jih poslali s Podkorena. Glede na dosedanje poletne vremenske razmere sem komplete postavil kar na plano pod streho.

[en] It is my second year of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) growing. I got six growing sets and hundreds of mushroom-inoculated dowels from a SI company based in Podkoren. It has been a damp summer this year, so the little guys are happily growing outside.

Takle je izplen prvega obroda (samo klobuki) / [en] First growth period yield (just the 'hats'):

Datum; Obirek; Vreme
Date; Yield; Weather

07.7.09; 230g; 13°C, 100%RH
10.7.09; 380g; 10°C, 100% RH
11.7.09; 360g; 15°C, 100% RH
14.7.09; 410g; 20°C, 70%RH
16.7.09; 400g; 20°C, 57%RH

Sum -1.780g-

Novo zatočišče za gobice / [en] Mushroom sanctuary

Prva nabirka / [en] First pick

Po prvem obrodu substrat namočimo v vodi.
[en] After the first growth period, the substrate is soaked in water.

Mozniki pred zabijanjem v hlod. Gobice bodo rasle naslednje leto.
[en] Dowel fixation.
Mushrooms will grow out of this log in the next year.

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