Na zadnjem delovnem mestu sem imel veliko opraviti z metodologijo LCA (life cycle assessment) oz. ocenjevanjem življenjskega cikla po slovensko. Gre za postopek ocenjevanja okoljskega vpliva nekega proizvoda na izbrane kategorije v okolju (toplogredne emisije, potencial za tvorbo kislega dežja, potencial za širjenje ozonske luknje, potencial za evtrofikacijo voda, raba energije, raba vode, ...) tekom celotne življenjske dobe proizvoda (proizvodnja surovin, proizvodnja proizvoda, transport, trgovina, ravnanje z odpadki, recikliranje, ...).
Metodologijo usmerja družina standardov ISO 14040, programska oprema in baze podatkov za ocenjevanje vlipvov na posamezne okoljske kategorije so ponavadi (ne)dostopne pod zelo zasoljenimi cenami. Ko sem začel z delom na projektu, sem si mislil: "zagotovo obstaja open source različica". In res je obstajala, profesionalna, prosto dostopna, s hudimi algoritmi in fency barvami v končnih grafikonih. Ni hudiča, bila je to beta različica, z bazami podatkov ki so omogočale več ali manj nič drugega kot pregledovanje struktur.
Takoj naslednji dan po oddaji končnega poročila mi je Andreas Ciroth, eden izmen LCA gurujev, poslal obvestilce, da je OpenLCA razhroščen in pripravljen za vsesplošno uporabo :)
Kakorkoli že, imel sem priliko preizkusuti preizkusno različico programa in ga pripročam.
[en] My previous work assignment included the evaluation of environmental impact of various agriculture-related systems. For this, I have choosen the LCA (life cycle assessment) approach. This methodology array takes into account the product’s entire life cycle (traw material production, product production, consumption, waste management, ...) to assign the environmental contribution to numerous impact categories (global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, resources consumption, ...).
As LCA is guided by the ISO family 14040 and the usual software and databases for the assessment at the start-up of our project were priced quite highly. I was looking for other options. I was certain that open source alternatives just had to exist. And I was right, the software that was online was even beter than the existing "professional" solutions. But it was in beta and all the stages of LCA were not quite possible yet.
Ever since, I have been anticipating the new release. And the very next day after we have finished our project obligations, I got a short note from the program creators. It said: something like: 'Yesterday we released a bugfix for openLCA, you can download it at the usual download site.' :)
Anyhu, I had the opportunity to test the test version of the program and I recommend it.
Metodologijo usmerja družina standardov ISO 14040, programska oprema in baze podatkov za ocenjevanje vlipvov na posamezne okoljske kategorije so ponavadi (ne)dostopne pod zelo zasoljenimi cenami. Ko sem začel z delom na projektu, sem si mislil: "zagotovo obstaja open source različica". In res je obstajala, profesionalna, prosto dostopna, s hudimi algoritmi in fency barvami v končnih grafikonih. Ni hudiča, bila je to beta različica, z bazami podatkov ki so omogočale več ali manj nič drugega kot pregledovanje struktur.
Takoj naslednji dan po oddaji končnega poročila mi je Andreas Ciroth, eden izmen LCA gurujev, poslal obvestilce, da je OpenLCA razhroščen in pripravljen za vsesplošno uporabo :)
Kakorkoli že, imel sem priliko preizkusuti preizkusno različico programa in ga pripročam.
KLIK za obisk uradnega portala
KLIK za prenos programa
[en] My previous work assignment included the evaluation of environmental impact of various agriculture-related systems. For this, I have choosen the LCA (life cycle assessment) approach. This methodology array takes into account the product’s entire life cycle (traw material production, product production, consumption, waste management, ...) to assign the environmental contribution to numerous impact categories (global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, resources consumption, ...).
As LCA is guided by the ISO family 14040 and the usual software and databases for the assessment at the start-up of our project were priced quite highly. I was looking for other options. I was certain that open source alternatives just had to exist. And I was right, the software that was online was even beter than the existing "professional" solutions. But it was in beta and all the stages of LCA were not quite possible yet.
Ever since, I have been anticipating the new release. And the very next day after we have finished our project obligations, I got a short note from the program creators. It said: something like: 'Yesterday we released a bugfix for openLCA, you can download it at the usual download site.' :)
Anyhu, I had the opportunity to test the test version of the program and I recommend it.
CLICK here for the homepage
CLICK here for the download
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